Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Tips to Reduce Your Health Insurance Premium

While deciding upon the best health insurance in India, an important factor is the outlay by way of premium payments. There are several factors that influence the premium charge like the risk profile of the potential customer i.e. the medical history, pre-existing medical illness, gender, age group, lifestyle, marital status, Body Mass Index (BMI), etc. The insurers are keen to reduce their financial risk. Thus, the insurance companies determine the premium amount after considering the following risk factors.

  • Pre-existing medical ailments: The applicant must disclose his or her complete medical records, including details of any pre-existing illness or serious medical condition. In case of any such existing medical disorder, the insurer may choose to cover it or exclude it. In case it falls outside the scope of the health insurance plans, the insured would have to solely bear the medical costs of treatment. In case it is covered, the premium charged might be slightly higher to compensate for the higher risk.
  •  Medical history of the family: Often several diseases are genetic i.e. transferred from generations. Thus, in case of a family history of a certain disease class like heart trouble or cancer, the family members are at high risk of contracting the same. Thus, the premium would be higher.
  •  Obesity: People who are obese or overweight are at higher risk of developing medical disorder than those with normal Body Mass Index (BMI). Obesity often causes serious ailments like heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and other lifestyle diseases. Often, obese ladies have medical complications while delivering a child and require specialized medical care during pregnancy. This hikes up the premium charged.
  • Consumption of unhealthy substances: Often people who consume harmful substances like alcohol or are smokers are prone to serious life-threatening diseases like cancer and high BP. Factoring the risk from these bad habits, the insurance companies increase the premium charges.  Thus, it is prudent to kick the butt at the earliest to regain good health.
  •  Gender: Many health insurance plans have different premium rates for women and men. The differential is higher for women as expert studies indicate that women are more likely to undertake frequent doctor visits, take medication and suffer from chronic diseases. Thus, it’s vital that ladies follow a nutritional diet, take adequate care to avoid diseases, and strengthen their immune system.
  •  Age group: Health insurance is one example where old is not gold! As one tends to age, it is natural to contract diseases or begin to suffer the adverse impacts of existing diseases more. This is because the body’s immunity levels decline. Thus, it is prudent to opt for a health insurance plan early in one’s life and renew the policy throughout. This would prevent the premiums from becoming too expensive.
  • Nature of profession: Policyholders who work in stressful conditions involving extensive travel, including international travel, working in hazardous environments or in places with high risk of sustaining injuries like construction sites have to shell out more on health premiums.
  • Not yet insured: Insurance companies charge higher premiums from uninsured individuals. This is because the risk of an undetected medical condition is high. They anticipate that the insured is taking the policy as they expect to be making more frequent doctor visits. Thus, the premiums are higher.
  • Place of stay: Many insurers factor in the location risk of a particular place by charging higher premiums. Places prone to frequent natural calamities or high in altitude would have some risk factors which would be commonly shared by all the residents.  

Thus, in conclusion, the #1 tip to reduce health premiums is to take care of one’s health and remain healthy. An example of this is the no claim bonus, where the insurance company rewards the insured for staying healthy by reducing the premium charged.

Tips to Reduce Your Health Insurance Premium

While deciding upon the best health insurance in India , an important factor is the outlay by way of premium payments. There are several ...